
HealthStream Store Development

screen shot of eCommerce home page v.1 screen shot of eCommerce home page v.2

The Vision

Modern React update enabling B2B and B2C transactions of courses in continuing healthcare education. Utilizing headless CMS Znode, I worked as one of two React developers completing the re-design. The re-design also gave us a great excuse to refactor a lot of the current CSS. The first eCommerce re-design greatly improved the experience for our users, so we have been able to improve upon an already great foundation to create a modern, engaging experience. The new experience keeps with current brand guidelines, as well as more visually interesting with the addition of icons, brighter colors, and more animations. This app is currently in development - I’ll include the link as soon as it’s launched!

Much like trying to find something to watch, switching between streaming service and streaming service, finding continuing education courses for healthcare can be cumbersome and overwhelming when trying to make the right choice. We wanted to make sure our update made users feel empowered that they made the right choice.

The Code

The Project is a React App utilizing the React Context API and React Hooks. The base of the app is built to be a boilerplate for future React projects; including the Airbnb style guide, Eslint, and Prettier, Enzyme and Jest testing, and OAuth through an in-company service.

The app itself was built to focus on a desktop view, but allow a tablet or mobile experience; features not available in the previous version of the store. The components were designed to be reused throughout a component library and documented through Storybook.

The Tech Stack